Trey came to me thanks to his cutie girlfriend Caitlin, who found me through her adorable friend Peyton, who knew about me because her older sister Morgan had used me for her senior photos... see why I say referrals are the biggest compliment?? haha
Seriously though, Trey is the nicest guy. Super laid back and easy to talk to. One thing when it comes to photographing my boys, no matter what they bring me as far as ideas, outfits, etc... I try to keep my approach as casual and easygoing as possible. Trey's mom really wanted to grab some family photos before we moved on to his senior shoot. I always allow enough time for family at each shoot, so she wanted to use this opportunity while she had it! ;) My favorite part? They brought their pets which included Theo the cat they rescued at a local Sweet Frog! Y'all his face hahaha I love it so much.
All Trey really wanted was fishing photos on his boat, much like Ian's we had done in the fall. He spends so much time on the lake, it just made sense. The only issue is we had a lot of time to kill after finishing up the family photos. He hadn't really wanted any "classic" senior photos but Abby and I convinced him to grab a few since we had so much time left before we needed to go to the lake. So we headed to downtown Davidson, since it wasn't too far and honestly, I'm so glad we got these. His mom was VERY impressed we convinced him to do these. Lol
Once the sun had calmed down a bit, we headed for our boat ride on the lake. My job is the best. ;)
Trey was totally in his element, and honestly, that's my favorite. I'd much rather have my seniors relaxed and having a good time doing what they love vs overly posed and uncomfortable (not that that's my style anyway lol). It was fun hanging out and going around the lake. We got some pretty awesome shots too. Love when the sky shows out for us.